Wife, kids, and in-laws -- indeed the entire population of the house except myself and the cat -- have headed off to visit relatives for two days. Being the sort of wild and crazy guy that I am, I'm taking the opportunity to work late on a couple project, do a few things around the house, and cook curry without holding back on the spiciness. (The girls are adventurous eaters, but they have their limits.)
Since the household population has been anywhere from two to six people above normal levels at any given time over the last week, the quiet having the house to myself last night was relaxing.
Still, nothing makes you realize how time intensive and interactive being a husband and father is like coming home to an empty house. Even getting home well after 7pm, the evening yawned ahead with an unstructured chasm of free time. It's enjoyable for a few days, but after six years of marriage and five years of fatherhood, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be single again.
The house is awefully quiet.
1 hour ago
Time to break out the skankalogs.
...but after six years of marriage and five years of fatherhood, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be single again.
You've got a little over a year on me on both fronts, but I get what you're saying. I get a taste of it once in a while when I have to travel for work. New places are nice, but the evenings are hard when you can't see the faces of your kids lighting up at the sight of you coming home. Compound that with the lack of welcome home kiss from the Mrs. and you really come to appreciate your life in a hurry.
Here's to a safe return of your family. :-)
Drats...Jay beat me to it!
If you think it's lonely not to have them when you get home, imagine what it's like when a SAHM has the whole family away for a week! I had that happen one week when my girls were on vacation with my parents and Hubby was on a business trip. I went from homeschooling all day to absolutely no one to talk to and very little to do.
When poor Hubby got home that Thursday evening, I think I talked for 90 minutes straight! Poor Hubby!
I think I talked for 90 minutes straight!
Wow, that's usually just the warm-up period for most women. I commend you on your restraint.
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