We are here, kinda. The cars arrive today (in a few minutes, actually) and the Stuff shows up tomorrow or the next day or whenever. The kids take great delight in rattling around my dad's big old house -- we're certainly disrupting the bachelor routine of Pops and my kid brother. The cats are traumatized and cry all night, when they're not trying to jab a claw into my air bed.
Ohio in the fall is a good place at a good time. The trees are molting gorgeously, and the weather the day we arrived was made to order: breezy, cool, and about as un-Texas-like as September gets. Also un-Texas-like are the rather chilly evenings. We've spent our married life in Southern California and Central Texas, and so are woefully under-blanketed. Nor do we have the requisite pajamafication that an old house demands. Baby, having blown out on both her flannel blankets on Saturday, spent the evening wrapped in a big towel.
Darwin has already started work up in Columbus. He'll be driving back to see us in Cincinnati on the weekends and once during the week. This is working fine -- at noon on the first day. We'll see how we all feel about it on Friday...
Internet access is a bit sporadic until the computer gets set up, so we'll be in and out.
And our thanks to Jennifer and her husband -- not only for her kind words about us, but for her hospitality on our last night in Texas. We couldn't have asked for a more congenial send-off. I must lay to rest, however, the impression that I normally swan about in a fancy outfit and white eyeshadow, as per the photo Jen posted. No, dear readers, most days I look like this:

Glad you had a safe landing. When is fellow blogger Scott Carson coming to help you unpack?
Beautiful! Always wanted curls.
Glad y'all are safe and sound. I recall our great trek northward. The movers coming and such. They packed ALL of our stuff, truck and minivan included on to the 18-wheeler, save for our luggage. It took about a week for our belongings to arrive in the Puget Sound. I do recall that my truck didn't appreciate the Wyoming winter nights, as it arrived with a low battery.
Enjoy your time in your father's house, as we stayed in the hotel for a few weeks, with a nice per diem.
But alas, we miss living near family, and are somewhat envious of you guys. If you're ever in Seattle, look us up. And likewise, we'll seek you out when we're in Ohio.
Glad to hear that you've arrived safely! What an adventure!!
Welcome to Ohio!
(says the relative newcomer)
Glad everything is falling into place according to plan.
Glad you made it safely. Ohio in the fall is definitely a great place to be; although the weather down here has suddenly gotten very nice. Perhaps it was just waiting for you all to leave!
For some reason whenever I think of Ohio, something in my head starts automatically singing, "It's gonna take a lot of river to keep this broken heart afloat; gonna take a lot of river, running all the live-long day, gonna take the Mississippi, the Monongahela, and the Ohio, gonna take a lot of river to wash these blues away." It has nothing really to do with the state, but it just happens anyway. And it's better than the other song that occasionally gets stuck in my head when someone mentions Ohio, which is Neil Young's "Ohio"; it does not make a happy moving-to-Ohio song.
Glad to see you made it! I should be passing a mere 6 hours away from you in the near future. We'll wave. Best of luck to you, Mr. D and the kids in your new home.
Good pic!
Good to see you have all safely arrived. I must admit your photo has given me a laugh though. Gazing into the computer, your eye has such an intent gaze....then it is followed so closely by the 'they're coming to take us away' title immediately below...
Love the photo Jen had on her blog. Very elegant!
You look enchanting in your "most days" photo. How Maeve misses your girls already! Send us your snail mail address when you can, and she'll start sending pen pal missives.
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