Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Andrew Greeley's book is gone

Darwin returned The Catholic Myth to the library the other day, and I must say I'm already missing it. It made an excellent coaster when I didn't want to put a glass on the nice wood side table.


  1. You made me snort milk out my nose! (ok, not really, but I was so stunned to see Andrew Greeley's name on your blog that I totally cracked up when I got to the rest of it.) :-0

  2. hehehe...I read a few of his books a long,long time ago before I knew what I know now.....hope you're feeling better.

  3. Me too ... that's how I knew to laugh. In fact, the last book of his I read was one on the sociology of Catholics when I was a newbie in the Church. I was terrified of being led astray and didn't like his "tone" ... look at how good my instincts were! :-)

  4. Hmmm. Was that the same one I was reading? I had out his pop-sociology book written in 1990. Why it was on the new books shelf I'm really not sure.

    The tone was sure annoying though. And at one point he quoted six pages out of one of his novels and DANG was it bad. Wow. I wish I could write that badly and still be published. Or maybe it's a mercy that I can't embarrass myself that way...
