Monday, July 18, 2005


Sorry no posts this weekend -- we received Harry Potter in the mail on Saturday and spent all weekend reading it aloud (so that one person wouldn't be farther in the book than the other), finally finishing this morning at 1:00 am. A good read, yes, yes. Think I'll just run down to the store and pick up book 7 -- what's that you say? I'll have to wait TWO MORE YEARS? Noooooo....


  1. My response involved consiberably more caps lock and excalmation points, but that was about the gist of it...

  2. Forgive my suspicions..but any book that causes the people in our culture-of-death society to go nuts over it makes me wonder if it really is good for us....

  3. "Frodo was alive but was taken by the Enemy."

    That's the ending of The Two Towers, and you can bet that if I'd been reading it when it first came out that I would have been dying to know what happened next, and in agonies having to wait until the next one was published.
