...three girls, that is. Yes, young Smaskig follows in the footsteps of her sisters by being female. Big sisters are delighted at the idea of another princess joining the ranks; Mom and Dad think about the clothing budget and the bathroom wars in about eight years or so. On the other hand, we've plenty of pink things about the house, and I also breathe a sigh of relief at not having to think about potty-training a young lad for many years yet (if ever at this rate...).
Meanwhile, Smaskig wriggles in glee and kicks her legs like a little frog (we saw her doing this during the ultrasound).
Crown of Thanksgiving
1 hour ago
Hi"Darwins"! You don't know me, but I know your family up here in Cincinnati. I saw the comment you left on Will's blog and since I occasionally check in on you guys here, I thought I would come over and say hi and congratulate you on another daughter...and you're right...girls are much, much easier to pottytrain than boys, but I must admit I don't envy you the thought of three teenage daughters at once.
I did want to add that I enjoyed the Mrs' reflections on driving home a few months back. I knew exactly how you felt..
I was also imagining you and Johnny (I'm guessing it was Johnny) hiding out from the scary movie..isn't it amazing the things we remember from childhood? Always makes me wonder what memories my own children will carry with them.
Well, I'm sure I bored you enough for now....God's blessings on you all!
Well congratulations, I'm glad to hear that everything is going well and that you get to add another "princess" to the Darwin family. Sure makes hand-me-downs easier that way too, doesn't it!
How neat that you got to see her kick on the ultrasound - Emma was always sound asleep, curled up, and facing my back during the two we did in that pregnancy.
Hello, Barb! I don't believe we have met, but I've heard many good things about you from the family. Glad you've enjoyed the blog -- do come back and feel free to leave a comment anytime.
You must be due soon yourself. It must be fun to be getting a slightly older one ready for a sibling -- when Babs was born Noogs was only 16 months old and didn't really grok what was going on. Now of course she's older and knows about the baby, but she already has a sister so that first thrill won't be as novel.
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