Anyhoo, gotta close, my Zarky-sense is tingling and that usually means jarheads in the neighborhood. Before I split, isn't it close to that big infidel holiday where you give each other free shit? Especially if they're needy? Just so you know, we're running low on a lot of stuff: underwear, ammo, electrical wiring, sterile gauze, stuff like that. You kuffars are always bragging about your holiday cheer, but the only package we've gotten this year is that a cheesy "Hang In There Baby" poster from Howard Dean.Very profane, very funny.
1 hour ago
I'm shocked, shocked to find profane language referred to at your website!
And in that vein, how did you like "No Christmas for you" at, that I referred to in my weblog? Do make sure that the Darwin offspring aren't around when you do, though.
LOL!!! I LOVED it!!
Dominus Tecum, frate.
Bernie --
I went to check it out, but this computer upstairs doesn't have flash (cuz it's Linux and Darwin would have to go into the command line and junk) and I haven't gotten around to pulling it up on the laptop. I mean to, though -- profanity generally only bothers me when it's my daughters listening to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack. I never use it myself, though -- too many little ears around here.
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