Friday, April 21, 2006

A sign from God

Via the Church Sign Generator.


  1. I've seen the light...

    Did you write that with me in mind? (Sans baby, of course.)

  2. You probably should get off the computer, babe :), but the real inspiration for the sign was that the baby actually DID roll off the futon while I was on the computer.

  3. Ah, yes, another example of domestic blitz (or something like that).

    Lovely post, though.

  4. The baby is rolling already?

    A big THUNK is always a sorry way of finding out. (I think they do it on purpose.)

  5. here's a fix for the image. Download it to your computer and then upload it to and link to it there.

  6. Thanks, Fred. I got it fixed, though I feel very silly.

    But yeesh, weren't we snippy!

    Rhonda -- I guess she is rolling already! I didn't actually SEE it happen (I mean I saw the fall, but not the rolling) but since I didn't place her right at the edge, she must have worked her way over. Ack.

  7. Haha, that sign message makes me laugh as I'm a web programmer and I (my wife and I) have a baby almost falling off the couch this very moment I am typing!

    Another church sign maker on

  8. Har-dee-har, Rick -- let's all be clever at MrsDarwin's expense, shall we?

    I was really hoping no one had noticed that, but now the whole world (or all least all the Amateur Catholics) knows, so I suppose it's a lesson in humility.

  9. Nah, there's nothing really humiliating about it. Everybody has done it at one time or another. Usually it goes unnoticed or the site owner pulls the image down. This guy is obviously a good sport about it and had some fun with it. And you have to admit, it was funny!
