Friday, September 29, 2006

The Social Whirl

What we did last weekend:

What we're doing this weekend:

What we're doing next weekend:


  1. So in other words, next weekend Darwin can call you a wench and live to tell about it?


  2. Dude! Talk about coincidence -- my brother just sent me that video this morning. No one does nerdy white boy like Weird Al -- that's what comes of playing the accordion, I guess.

  3. That's the one we have!! (well, the Dodge version! LOL). I LOVE IT! Do you love it?

  4. yeah, I will chime in here too about minivans, we love our minivan, it is by far been our best car, it is better on gas than you would expect and just a smooth safe ride.

  5. I went to a Reniscance Faire once, I hope your expereince was better than mine. It seemed to be an excuse for ugly pale people to dress in dominatrix outfits and chain male, and frankly some of what I saw was rated R, very bad for a family event. Even the employees played very fast and lose with the history. Everything was expensive and there were too many people in pirate costumes and viking costumes walking around.

  6. Vans are great. Don't make the same mistake we made by downgrading to a car when your van dies because you think it's probably smarter since the amount of kids you have will still fit in a car and it would be less gas money and whatever.
    Remember the hard time you had stuffing those kids into a little car and no room for groceries! Remember! (of course, you may have more children by the time your van dies and this advice will be moot)

  7. We are enjoying this new van and all the bells and whistles it has. We didn't think we'd like power doors -- but we do. And we were seduced by the leather-wrapped steering wheel. But the absolute kicker was the Stow 'n Go(tm) seating. All the back seats fold into the floor. The storage is great. And best of all, the big girls don't fight across the baby. Baby gets her own seat in her own row, and she likes it that way.

    And it's that lovely shade of green...

  8. Hey!!!
    Nice van
    Brings me back to the old days, except much newer and nicer. I hope the service light isn't always on like it was in that hoop-dee (comparitively) you were driving around before.
    Rollin' in the big green van. Screechin' round the corners just as fast as we can...

  9. Come on out and I'll let you have a turn in it. Now we can actually take people places.

    And who's calling my Camry a hoop-dee (and is that even how you spell it?) You've driven worse, bro, you've driven worse.
