Monday, October 30, 2006

The Click

Brick: This click that I get in my head that makes me peaceful.... It's just a mechanical thing, something like a -- like a --- like a ---
Big Daddy: Like a --
Brick: Switch clicking off in my head, turning the hot light off and the cool night on, and (he looks up, smiling sadly) -- all of a sudden there's -- peace!

--Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
The click has been heard in our house. Babs, who until a week ago was wearing diapers more than half the time, suddenly clicked and started using the toilet all the time and even stays dry at night. She only had her first accident the other night -- in our bed, of course.

Two down, one to go...


  1. Congratulations! Hopefully she doesn't fall off the bandwagon...

  2. Yeah!!! Isn't it amazing how all of the sudden it just happens?
    I just hope you get the joy of pottytraining a boy...hehe...
    A blessed Monday to you!

  3. And hey! Another milestone! She just caused the toilet to overflow onto the bathroom floor for the first time!

    Ah, they grow up so fast...

  4. I'm SO Jealous!! Good for you! :)

  5. Yay! Congrats! I hope Baby clicks sooner.
