Tuesday, November 07, 2006

If you see Bill Gates, kick him for me...

Making cascading style sheets work the way they're supposed to in IE is taking years off my life...


  1. What are you complaining about? After all IE7 CSS compatibility went up from 52 percent to a whopping 54 percent.

  2. Remember that relativism is alive and well with Internet Explorer. That it is to say that position:relative cures a lot of ills in IE.

    Get this book: "CSS Hacks and Filters: Making Cascading Stylesheets Work"

    Tom Davis

  3. Don't expect IE to keep up with web standards. It's already a lost cause on the MacOS side. Give up on it and go to Firefox or one of the others. Everyone else is.

  4. I switched to Firefox a year ago, never looked back. =)

  5. I'm working on a website and I too am having CSS issues in IE. It looks so good in Firefox and like crap in IE. Grrrrrrrrrrr....

  6. saw him
    kicked him

  7. Of course, part of what makes this whole thing so aggravating is that I don't use IE. But since most of the world still does, I have to fire up the old Windows machine and fix the carnage.

    At this point, I think what I will say to Bill Gates is: table width=600px

  8. I gave up. Certain things just don't don't work properly, so in those cases I use tables instead. 'Inelegant?' - pah! I'd rather have a life...
