Saturday, November 11, 2006

Well fancy that...

Catholic Exchange has a new site up in beta. Whoever did all the work on that, it must have been a very big project...


  1. Good job....hopefully, those people who worked so hard can have a nice, peaceful Sunday...
    God bless!

  2. And I bet they are geniuses at diplomatic solutions as well as working at the speed of light on revisions. :-D

  3. I must say... It turned out pretty nicely.

  4. Looks like a two-BITS outfit to me. ;-)

  5. I am sure that whatever hard working person has been working on this can't officially take credit for it. But whoever it is, I wish him well and hope he gets back to blogging soon.

  6. Maybe I'm just not getting enough carbs, but I am totally confused by the obliqueness of this post. But if you or someone whose pseudonym rhymes with "Narwin" are the individual responsible for the redesign - WTG, as they say in the cyberlingo.
