Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Blogger 2.0 Holding Pattern

Well, we summoned up the courage to switch over to the new blogger, and upon clicking the "convert now" with great trepidation, were told (anti-climactically) that there was something about our blog that prevents us from switching yet. Guess we have to wait a bit longer whether we like it or not.


  1. Happened to me, too.

    You know wny, don't you? It's because we're Catholic!

  2. Me too! Though I figured it was because Happy Catholic has over 4,000 posts ...

  3. I have been thinking of starting a blog, but that would put me directly into Blogger 2.0. Should I wait?

  4. From what I understand, if you start out in 2.0, you shouldn't have any problems. It's getting an old one moved over that seems like it takes some doing.

  5. I haven't been able to switch over either. I think it was due to my heterodox html. So, I've changed my template to a standard one and am awaiting another invitation to switch. In the meantime, I've created a new blog.

  6. I haven't been able to switch either. I think my problem stems from the fact that I post on a couple of group blogs in addition to my own.

  7. I switched and I'm not impressed. For one thing, I have to sign in twice every time. You have to sign into both Bogger and Google. And for some reason it doesn't remember me when I return later.

  8. if you sign into Google, you don't need to also sign into Blogger. (Or the once works for me anyhow.) But it is a pain that you need to keep signing in. Hopefully they will fix that.
    It was worth the changeover though for the 'upgrade' of the template (so long as you keep the same template.) Because it lets you label things and then you can find all the same labelled posts. I like being able to do that.

    KiwiNomad 2006

  9. With the same trepidation, I got the same error. Maybe Fr. Martin is right, Catholics need not apply.

    I think I'm relieved.
