Thursday, January 11, 2007

De-Lurk already!

They tell me it's De-Lurking Week.... So, here's some random food for comments.

Due to Blogger being a pain with those of us who can't convert to the new format, I haven't been able to get in and finish a post I saved as a draft a week ago. Now I've forgotten where I was going with this first sentence:
Darwin and I have reactionary tendencies, most of which have been tempered enough to allow us a moderately up-to-date fashion ethic and keep us from being bores at parties.
Any suggestions?

And now, a word from our sponsor:

Although at ten months and 14 lbs. 11 oz. she's not even on the charts, she's the most good-natured, active little thing, and keeps her composure even when being hauled down stairs by her older sisters. And she definitely had NOTHING to do with the water pouring from the ceiling yesterday, as she slept through the whole ruckus.


  1. Thou art lucky...

  2. awww... such cuteness...

  3. My, my....that is a cute face!!!
    Hope you have a blessed dry day!!!

  4. I am sure she will be perfectly capable of inventing her own means of wet destruction to try her parents' patience in her own time! For now, she looks just gorgeous!!!

  5. Such cuteness... To give you an idea of what your fate could have been with a little one, our littlest one (not quite 2 mos.) is 15 lbs. My wife shudders as to what she'll weigh at 10 mos.

  6. that anonymous was me...

  7. What a sweet baby girl!!!!!

  8. I can tell from the gleam in her eye, that she is secretly planning world domination.

  9. buy a SHOTGUN buddy :)
