Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Here It Goes...

Blogger tells me that I am about to be forced to upgrade to 2.0 So if we go silent with technical difficulties for a while, don't hold it against us.

Looks like we're up and running. Now if only I can figure out how to invite MrsDarwin, lest she think this has become a No Girls club...

**Update 2**
Note that in a sudden move of Google/Darwin solidarity, we've moved to a single combined email address:


  1. Mine went fine so hopefully yours will too! :-)

  2. My conversion went smoothly, as well. I didn't think I'd like the new Blogger as much, but it actually has some pretty nice features, among which is that publishing is almost instantaneous. It's also a WHOLE lot easier to make changes to your template.

  3. I am sure you will enjoy the labels;-)

    I found the glitch at having to sign in continually a bit of a pain.... but now I have switched to Firefox instead of IE, I don't have that problem.

  4. May I suggest that you guy change the setting on feeds to show the full text? I'm only getting excerpts in Bloglines now. :)
