Monday, August 06, 2007

New Latin Missal

Does anyone out there know if someone has in print a Latin/English Sunday (and holy day) missal for the "novus ordo" mass? I've been googling around for such a thing without much luck -- perhaps because celebrating the new mass in Latin seems to be the red-headed stepchild of liturgy. I'm seeing straight Latin editions of new mass, but not a facing version.


  1. The Adoremus Hymnal has both the Latin and the English. I don't if it's facing, though.

  2. I'm surprised the USCCB would let that happen. Seems like the last thing they'd want to do is allow someone to actually compare the two texts and see how different they really are.

  3. Heh. You read my wicked little mind, Rick...

    Or at any rate, it struck me that since a novus ordo Latin mass is near impossible to find, one could at least attempt to start reading along in Latin during and English mass and thus learn that better -- just as in the old days one would read along in English during a Latin mass.

  4. I used the "Daily Roman Missal" and found it to be very useful. (before I left it in Church and now its gone). The Scripture translations are from the Jerusalem Bible however and not the New American. I think its translations are facing if by that you mean side-by-side.

  5. A deacon friend of mine says that they should start popping up within a few months to year as the text goes through the vetting/editing process and publication. With all the lead up though, you'd think some enterprising print house would have had this ready to go.

  6. Here's a web version of Latin/English side-by-side. If you really want to have it in print, you could easily format it with a word processor or publishing software.

  7. We went just went to Mass at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Alabama (Mother Angelica's) on Saturday. They have the Adoremus Hymnal and it has the order of the Mass in Latin and English on facing pages so that you could tell where you were in the Mass.

  8. Bingo. This seems to be the one SouthernCanuck is talking about, and it looks from the description like it has at least the revised lectionary -- though I suppose the long-term-thinking approach would be to wait for the new ICEL translation of the missal itself.

  9. Catholic Art & Gifts, formerly Emmaus, at Burnet and Koenig carries a little book called Handbook of Prayers by J. Socias that has the whole N.O. Mass in facing Latin/English, as well as Latin versions of all the popular Catholic prayers. Phone first; they'll order it if they're out of stock. Shop locally: K.A.W.!

  10. Here's one that's a bit pricey. There's also one for sale on's at $81 right now. You might also try contacting Leaflet Missal...someone from there volunteered to help find this Missal for another priest that was looking for it: or 1-800-328-9582. Loome Booksellers in Stillwater MN may also be able to dig one up.
