Friday, October 05, 2007

Pepys Show

Pepys is never above seeing a bad play, though he always regrets it afterwards. Yesterday (Oct. 4th, 1664) he wrote:
Thence after dinner to a play, to see “The Generall;” which is so dull and so ill-acted, that I think it is the worst. I ever saw or heard in all my days. I happened to sit near; to Sir Charles Sidly; who I find a very witty man, and he did at every line take notice of the dullness of the poet and badness of the action, that most pertinently; which I was mightily taken with; and among others where by Altemire’s command Clarimont, the Generall, is commanded to rescue his Rivall, whom she loved, Lucidor, he, after a great deal of demurre, broke out; “Well, I’le save my Rivall and make her confess, that I deserve, while he do but possesse.” “Why, what, pox,” says Sir Charles Sydly, “would he have him have more, or what is there more to be had of a woman than the possessing her?” Thence-setting all them at home, I home with my wife and Mercer, vexed at my losing my time and above 20s. in money, and neglecting my business to see so bad a play. To-morrow they told us should be acted, or the day after, a new play, called “The Parson’s Dreame,” acted all by women. So to my office, and there did business; and so home to supper and to bed.
So the question is: Will he venture out again to see "The Parson's Deame" and is this the Restoration equivalent of a female prison movie? Seems about Pepys' speed, goat that he is. Speaking of which, on the previous day he noted:
But meeting Bagwell’s wife at the office before I went home I took her into the office and there kissed her only. She rebuked me for doing it, saying that did I do so much to many bodies else it would be a stain to me. But I do not see but she takes it well enough, though in the main I believe she is very honest.
Now, now, Sammy-boy. You wouldn't want Mr. Bagwell taking such liberties with Bess, would you?


  1. ...and is this the Restoration equivalent of a female prison movie?

    You make it sound like women-in-prison movies are a bad thing.

  2. There is a great comedy waiting to be made from the Pepys' diaries!

    For example:

    "18th (Lord's day). I walked towards White Hall, but, being wearied, turned into St. Dunstan's Church, where I heard an able sermon by the minister of the place; and stood by a pretty, modest maid, whom I did labour to take by the hand and the body; but she would not, but got futher and further from me; and, at last, I could perceive her to take pins out of her pocket to prick me if I should touch her again -- which seeing I did forbear, and was glad I did spy her design. And then I fell to gaze upon another pretty maid in a pew close to me, and she on me; and I did go about to take her hand, which she suffered a little and then withdrew. So the sermon ended, and the church broke up, and my amours ended also, and so took coach and home, and there took my wife, and to Islington with her."
    Samuel Pepys, Diary, August 18, 1667
