Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lovey smoochy whatever

Oh yeesh, it's Valentine's Day again. This is a holiday so far off my radar that unless someone remarks upon the day, it passes by me like a ship in the night. Darwin and I aren't overt romantics (what, you hadn't noticed?), so it's not our style to mollify the little cupids by spending money to prove our undying love. I'll go out to dinner because I feel like going out to dinner, not because some winged beast keeps jabbing me with his undersized arrow.

But some people care about that sort of thing, so to them I say, "Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget that the feast of St. Valentine has been removed from the Roman calendar, so now it's technically the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius! Two fine gentlemen, but a pair whose feast
day does not override your regular Lenten obligations! So if you've given up chocolate for Lent, you'll have to save that big box for Sunday! If your kids don't get into it first!"


  1. Valentine's Day has to be on my radar lest I get lynched.

  2. A little off our feed today, what?

  3. Dude, I'm expecting to be off my feed every day for at least the next four weeks...

  4. That's not to say that I wouldn't like some chocolate, though.

  5. Kyle pretty much sums it up for me, too.

  6. oops, sorry. forgot your previous post on "giving it up twice" for lent. :)

    When I saw this though, my wife and I had just returned from our Valentines lunch. oh well...

  7. This is why I had a baby on Valentine's day, so now I have my own plans and a family celebration each year :)

    But it will probably mess with her birthday dinner plans when she grows up...


  8. Pardon my possible ignorance, but do you get to ignore the stuff you gave up for Lent on Sundays?

  9. Sundays are not included in the forty days of Lent, so we've always held that they're a feast day that override any fast. So I have my sugary stuff on Sundays, but I don't overdo it.
