Thursday, April 17, 2008

Papal Muzak

I was a bit disappointed that Benedict didn't mention improving the quality of liturgy in his address to the bishops yesterday, but perhaps the odd selections presented at the mass this morning will change that.


  1. I was thinking the same thing!

  2. I complain about our liturgical music sometimes, forgetting that many parishes have it much, much worse. At least our music is, well, liturgical.

  3. It really was ridiculous. Fr. Neuhaus' comments on EWTN were hilarious. Something along the lines of, "Perhaps the people who planned this liturgy aren't familiar with Benedict's writings on liturgical music..." It was truly embarrassing. Maybe the fact the Placido Domingo's version of Panis Angelicus was the only piece of music in the entire liturgy that received any praise or even acknowledgement from the pope will send a message. He looked almost annoyed the rest of the time, or maybe that was just me projecting.

  4. Here's something I've been wondering about: do you think it was the plan for him to chant the Our Father, or do you think he pre-empted whatever was planned? Whatever the reason, I was glad to hear it, because it didn't disrupt the flow of the liturgy like some of the big orchestral service music did.
