Monday, April 07, 2008

What cracked us up all weekend


  1. I just saw this movie, and this is my favorite segment in it!

    (How come my housework never goes that quickly when I sing?)

  2. Well of course, you don't have cockroaches helping you out. :)

  3. Love Amy Adams. Can't wait to see this.

  4. I'd have thought you would have said, "Because you can't sing." But I guess I've been very careful not to do so in your presence. :)

  5. I might have to rent this! I gather it's a tongue-in-cheek tribute to Snow White?

  6. Niall,

    Enchanted is about what happens when animated characters enter the real world. It's pretty hysterical, and Amy Adams, the lead actress, is fantastic as cartoon princess stuck in New York. We'd recommend it.

  7. I saw this movie in the theater. I am usually not to keen on "feel good movies", but I walked out at the end of this one with the biggest smile on my face.

    And yes, Amy Adams performance is fantastic. You so believe that she is a Disney cartoon princess.

    There also lots of little subtle levels to it too. For instance, I liked how her time in the real world matures her but she never loses her optimism. I liked how she managed to turn an angry couple about ready to divorce and makes them realize why they first loved each other. It's a very understated statement about the importance of commitment.

    Glad you got to see this one.

  8. Mrs. D.,

    I'm familiar with the basic premise. My cable system carries Disney Channel, and they've been plugging the DVD release like crazy. I'm more of a Kim Possible fan myself (I always thought that show's blended spoofing of the crime fighter/super-spy and teen scene genres was absolutely inspired) but I'll give this a look too.
