Thursday, August 14, 2008

Public Service Announcement

For any forgetful Catholics out there (who are as bad at looking at calendars as I am): Tomorrow is The Assumption, holy day of obligation.


  1. Actually, here it was today, and it is almost over...but I guess we have to make allowances for you dateline-challenged folks over there ;-)

  2. It's kind of like you folks are living in the future down there.

    How is the future these days?

  3. Yeah, like John Prine said:

    "We are living in the future
    I'll tell you how I know
    I read it in the paper
    Fifteen years ago"

  4. A perk of working for the Church is that my work day is automatically scheduled around Mass times.

  5. The future here is at present very wintry and yuk!!! You don't want the weather we have in this upside-down part of the world right now!

  6. I dunno, Kiwi. Given the 100+F temperatures around here lately (38+ C) wintry sounds pretty good...

    One can always put more clothes on, but when it's hot, it's just hot. But then, I'm a cold weather kind of guy -- which is odd given that I grew up in California and live in Texas.
