Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Labor Day? Not here

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to post no news.

My prediction: Baby will be born in the early hours on Thurs., Sept. 11.


  1. Well, six years ago, that was my Brazilian brother-in-laws' prediction, too! My second daughter was due September 17, but sure enough, their American niece was born September 11, 2002. :) Unfortunately, my VBAC didn't work out... We'll pray you fare better!

  2. I predict the nativity of the Blessed Mother (9/8) will coincide with your child's nativity.

  3. TS,

    I like that prediction, and so will my pastor, who has begged that I refrain from giving birth until after our schola sings the 7:30 AM mass on Sunday the 7th. Another plus for the 8th: that's the date of the baptism class we have to attend, but Father says he'll give us a free pass if baby shows up that day.

  4. oops: brothers-in-law's

  5. Our little Jack's birthday was September 8th, so I'm a bit partial to that date too...

  6. I pray that it's September 8. Though 9/11 would be a very memorable birthday...

    Sorry. [One old frine I know would say to me at this point, "No you're not."]

    LogEyed Roman

  7. LE Roman,

    As you probably remember, Sept. 11 was Darwin's parents' wedding anniversary, so that's a memorable family day as well.


    Now that you mention it, I do remember that Jack's birthday was Sept. 8. God rest his soul.

  8. 9/11 seems a long, long way off given how far along you are! Not that I blame the fellow, given how a womb has certain advantages over the outside world...

  9. My friend who was due on 1 Sept is still waiting.....
