Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Now that is Employee Appreciation

It's not unusual to receive a box of cookies or chocolates or something from your boss as a "holiday present". Mine just plunked one of these down next to me.

Now there's someone who understand the rigors of our work.


  1. Wow. What line of work? I must get into it. Personally, I drink Laphroaig, but I don't star gift scotches in the cask.

  2. I want to work for that guy!

  3. To whom do I send my resume?

  4. Me thinks thou hath a very special boss, and it has nothing to do with the thoughtful gift.

  5. Ahhhhh, I remember my days in marketing with quite fondness. Especially on special occasions when we had waaay to much liquor after a big promotion.

    Good stuff.

  6. *grin*
    From the comments, this is what I must buy to honor my my (late, Scot) grandmother......

  7. Foxfier,

    If you're not normally a Scotch drinker, Glenlivet is good but you might find it a little easier to start with a sherry cask Scotch rather than a bourbon cask Scotch. Macallan is a good example thereof.

    On the other hand, if you're already fond of wiskeys and bourbon's, you'll probably be just fine with any decent Scotch.
