Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mozart Piano Sonata in C Major, Second Movement

I can only memorize about two piano pieces at a time, though neither of them is "Yankee Doodle". The second piece varies (right now it's "Fascinating Rhythm", mostly) but the constant is the second movement of Mozart's Piano Sonata in C Major, K. 545. It's embedded in my finger memory due to a year's worth of practice for a piano recital ages ago. Here is it, played by someone who does it better than I do.

ADDENDUM: Here, for Otepoti, is the version of Fascinating Rhythm in my head (but again, played much better than I could hope to).

My version is up to 1:00. Recording quality ain't great here.


  1. Oh, I learned this one as a self-improvement exercise, too! It put some perspective on my efforts to remember that a. Mozart tossed it off as a money-spinner when he was a bit short, and b. he called it "a little sonata for beginners"!

    As one of Wilde's characters said, "Anyone can play with accuracy - I play with feeling."



  2. So I was wondering, why on earth would anyone have "Fascinating Rhythm" stuck in their head, and then I remembered - this is DarwinCatholic, isn't it? :-)


  3. Loved that, thank you Mrs Darwin. Especially I loved the photos of the cute grandchildren in the background when he left the piano. I wonder if he recorded himself as a video letter to them?

