Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Is Going To Hurt You More Than It's Going To Hurt Me

If I realized one could find out these sorts of fascinating things, I would read the sports pages more often. Sports Illustrated and CNN bring us this inspiring tale of Gators player Tim Tebow doing good off the field as well as on:
Whether you consider him genuine or fake, Tebow, at the end of the day, is a Heisman Trophy-, SEC- and BCS-title winning quarterback who goes to class, goes to church and circumcises people less fortunate than him. More people should be so intolerable.


  1. Does Mr Tebow have any help in these endeavors?

  2. I just want to state for the record that I consider myself more fortunate than Tim Tebow.

  3. Apparently this is not a typo, just a comment with insufficient context. See

  4. Gridiron star by night, mild-mannered mohel by day...
