Monday, January 25, 2010

Whose Problem Is That?

I'm darkly amused by the picture of a pro-abortion counter-protestor to the March For Life carrying a sign which says, "Won't Get Laid Without Roe v. Wade". Why, precisely, does the bearer think that anyone else should be worried by this?


  1. Oh goodness, did she have to skip school to make that sign? She looks so young. What a pity.

  2. Wanna bet she got extra credit for that?

  3. That is awfully sad, but ironically speaks to the pornographic, misogynistic underpinnings of child-killing. Men need a way out of the consequences of unbridled lust.

    It is equally sad, if not more so, that so many women refuse to understand this. And I say REFUSE, because so often women seem to willfully misunderstand a man's natural motivations and play into the role peers & fashion dictate.

  4. Logic doesn't seem to be her strong suit.

  5. I suspect she means to tell potential suitors, "[You] Won't Get Laid [By Me] Without Roe v. Wade."

  6. That's kind of what I assumed, though one would have to be awfully well circulated to assume that one's unwillingness to put out would change the minds of enough people to be an important political message.

  7. That, or be sure that one's attractiveness was so great that bystanders would change their political opinions simply on the basis of not wanting to see their chances with her (already doubtless very small, if only on the basis of a nationwide audience being very large) go from approaching zero to zero.

  8. Well, she is rather cute. Knowing the nature of horny young guys, her message might actually be effective. Manipulative, but devastatingly powerful.


  9. Such rhythm, such rhyme! Her sign could start the chorus of a hit pop song.

  10. Sorry to discover this so late, but-

    No, I did not have to skip school to make that sign. I was, however, a was a senior in high school at the time. This may shock you, but unlike many of the young people I saw that day, my decision to attend and travel to the event, make that sign, and march in celebration of my right to my own body, was entirely my own personal choice, and all a result of my own efforts- not influenced by any teacher, religious figure, parent (mine were aware of what I was doing that day, and respected my decision to do so), or similar figure of authority. Not everybody is invested in manipulating in children- or women, for that matter.

    However, thank you- children, and grown men and women alike- for calling me a "babykiller," "murderer," and "slut" that day, for physically attacking me and hitting me in the face with a megaphone. You really got your point across.
