Sunday, April 18, 2010

Panis Angelicus

Today our oldest makes her First Communion. Please remember her and all the classmates in your prayers today.

(Freudian slip: When I first typed the title of the post, I wrote "Panic Angelicus". That's the post-communion party mania talking.)


  1. Congratulations to her. We'll remember her in our prayers.

  2. Congratulations, Darwins!

  3. Congratulations and blessings on your daughter! Our daughters' is 2 weeks away - time for me to panic...

  4. God's blessings on you and your family. In 2008 and again in 2009, I prepared a grandchild for first Communion - what a wonderful blessing to see the faith fresh through the eyes of a child!

  5. Congratulations to her! I hope it went well for the whole class you have been teaching.

  6. How wonderful! Congratulations to her. I hope it went well! Our turn is this upcoming Sunday, and I still need to track down a veil. Ack!
