Tuesday, August 07, 2012


Here's my pretty new niece, Stella Kristen, born yesterday, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, at 9:44 pm, 6 lbs, 11 oz. I don't get to hold her for a month, but I'm going to make the time pass by contemplating her dimples.

I'm an aunt twice. My life's ambitions have been amply fulfilled.


  1. Wow, look at those dimples! The boys better watch out. :)

  2. Must be nice! I'm not an aunt at all -- my kids have zero first cousins.

  3. I'll never be an aunt at all, and not for want of siblings; but hooray! and non nobis and all that.

  4. How absolutely lovely! Please give your sister my congratulations!

  5. Oh those dimples are heavenly! I adore dimples.

    I'm an aunt many times over by marriage; but so far none of my own siblings have even married much less had children. Someday....

  6. *cheers*

    Still only an aunt once, but I hope to suddenly become the aunt to a 12 year old girl via my brother and the lady he's gaga for....
