Thursday, January 10, 2013


We've spent all morning here getting our kicks by taking Myers Briggs assessments, and since you need some kicks too, I present you with the links.

But first, let's review the letters:


Parenting by Temperament's temperament sorter.
I found this useful for the girls, though their adult version didn't really work for me. Eleanor and Isabel are both ENTPs, which comes as no particular surprise (though I'm including a Z in Isabel's, for Zany). Julia is ESTJ, which also fits. She has a different personality from the others -- punctual, orderly, self-motivating, and as hard-headed as they come. She makes me think of Claudette Colbert's quote from Palm Beach Story: "You have no idea what a long-legged gal can do without doing anything."

The Jung Typology Test.  (Some may find this assessment more helpful.)
The first assessment gives me ENTJ; the second, ENTP.

ENTJ (this is Darwin's personality type):

"Creating order out of chaos" is one extraverted thinker's way of describing her volition. Extraverted Thinking personality types are determined, logical, critical, they love a challenge, especially one that will allow tangible improvement in productivity, efficiency or profitability. They are direct, finding the quickest, most direct path between what is and what should be.
They excel at implementing ideas and are often on the lookout for good ideas worthy of their attention. They are quick to organize, orchestrate, find resources, coordinate, and follow through to the end of a project. They love a problem, especially one that will make full use of their competencies, their logic and sense of order, justice and fair play.
Many find competition to be stimulating and fun. "These are the rules of the game now let us play." Fairness is sharing and respecting the same set of rules, so may the best one win. And since they readily acknowledge that there will be a winner and a loser, they would simply much rather be the winner. So they hone their strategies on the fine knife of experience and sharpen their skills to meet the next challenge head on.
They love having greater challenges bestowed on them as a result of having successfully met the last, as this attests to their competence and skills. They appear dispassionate because of their impersonal and objective approach, but close observation will reveal deep passion and enthusiasm as well as sensitivity, especially to cherished ones. However they expect others to roll up their sleeves as they do and meet the task in spite of personal hardships or discomfort.
They have little tolerance for personal whims that threaten a smooth running operation. They are direct and honest with most things that displease them and expect others to do the same. Their humanity shows in their sense of fairness and justice as well as their love of humour.
Well, close enough, except that it makes me sound a lot more organized than I am. Judging is described as:

Plan many of the details in advance before moving into action.
Focus on task-related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on.
Work best and avoid stress when able to keep ahead of deadlines.
Naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life.

Nope, way too organized and routine-driven.

Here's what I find on ENTP:

With Extraverted Intuitive personality types, words, ideas and possibilities spew effortlessly from them. Words are their best friends. They dance around ideas, the more, the merrier. Imaginative, spontaneous, original and enthusiastic, they have a knack for seeing other possibilities, other dreams and options. The world is never as it is but as it could be, as if it were but an artists sketch begging for colour. They initiate change and often are prone to trespassing a few known boundaries to take themselves and others where no one has been before. The status quo tends to lack inspiration.
When inspired, they are fearless and tireless. Their energy will know no limits unless red tape takes over. Routine drags them down. Their faith in possibilities and belief in the benefit of change often inspire others to follow. They are challenging, ingenious and innovative. They will give their best to what appears to be an impossible challenge, a place unknown to man or beast.
They use metaphors, stories, images and analogies to make their point.They love theories and often shape their own. They see patterns emerging. Keen improvisers, they are rarely caught off guard, there is always something up their sleeve. The sky is the only limit.
They are sometimes entertainers, artists or otherwise engaged in public demonstrations that allow their ideas to bloom. Their greatest difficulty is not in initiating projects but in choosing among so many possibilities, setting realistic boundaries, establishing priorities and correctly assessing resources.
I dunno. This sounds a bit energetic for me. What makes me lean toward Perceiving is this description:
Comfortable moving into action without a plan; plan on-the-go.
Like to multitask, have variety, mix work and play.
Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to the deadlines.
Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety.
I stand utterly convicted.

Maybe it's that I fall very squarely in the middle of the divide, but having to proclaim oneself an introvert or an extrovert seems to me to be overly confining. I feel like I have tendencies either way, at least judging from the test questions. Yes, I like to recharge by being alone. Yes, I feel comfortable expressing myself in public. I can see why I'm ranked as Extrovert, but I think that Introversion/Extroversion is more of a spectrum than a polarity.

Also, reading the descriptions, I think I've moved more squarely into the Thinking camp as I've gotten older.


  1. It's been a while since I've done any, but I think I always end up as an INTP.

  2. I agree that it's more of a spectrum than a polarity. Dom likewise comes up 50/50 on the introversion/extroversion scale. On this one I came up 100% introvert.

    I'm at 75% preference for Intuition over Sensing.

    62% Thinking over Feeling

    56% Perceiving over Judging.

  3. The real test for whether you are an introvert or an extravert is the Savage Chickens test.

  4. I guess I must be an extrovert then, because I found that mostly amusing, and a smidge irritating.

    I don't think I ever saw the word spelled "extravert" before today. Is that the accepted spelling? Suddenly I'm second-guessing myself.

  5. From what I can find both are accepted as correct.

    The term "extraversion" (and therefore "extravert") was first used (and possibly coined) by Carl Jung (along with "introversion") in 1913 but over the years the technically incorrect alternative spelling "extroversion" has become widely used.

  6. You mean I've been spelling wrong all this time, and in public too? I'm off to commit hara kiri... To Melanie I leave all my papers, with the provision that she correct the spelling of extravert wherever it may be wrong. To Brandon I leave the task of finishing Stillwater. :)

  7. Mrs D. I spell it wrong all the time even after having looked up the correct spelling. Multiple times.

    At least you spell hara kiri right.

  8. I tend to find the Meyers Briggs stuff fascinating. I usually test out as ENFJ, though I tend towards the middle on the E/I & F/T continuum.

  9. I used to get really irritated with Meyers Briggs because I was introduced to it my first semester in college by an English professor with definite opinions on the "correct" and "incorrect" personality traits. She would introduce students by their name and their four assigned letters. Needless to say my letters were all wrong.

    This particular professor also had a cult following on campus which I never understood. Once I got away from the sycophants for awhile, I began to find the personality tests amusing.

  10. Everyone I know is always an "N", I've never met an "S".

    Does Julia have trouble getting subtext?

    I have a niece that is extremely literal in her understanding; I wonder if she's an "S"?

  11. +JMJ+

    There's a MBTI commentator on YouTube who says that many tests are set up so that people think they are Js when they are actually Ps, and Ns when they are actually Ss. Which explains why I spent ten years thinking I was an INTJ when I was actually an INTP. =P Apparently, the only way to be sure is to understand the separate functions. Then you can say, I'm not really a Leo; I'm a Virgo, after all! ;-)

    You know what's really fun? Putting your type into Google Image search and looking at the motivational posters and other memes. INTJ has the best ones, but of course it would! =P

  12. ack, my comment disappeared. anyway, thanks for posting this; I had fun revisiting MB land. I'm pretty sure I'm among the INTP crowd, with I being close to the E cusp, although this assessment would have me as an ENFJ.
