Saturday, January 05, 2013

Saturday night

What I'm drinking.

What I'm watching.

How I'm feeling.


  1. It's come to my attention that my toddy recipe may be behind a firewall, so here it is:

    Hot Toddy

    In a large cup, combine 1 spoonful honey, juice of ¼ lemon, 1 cinnamon stick, small dash cayenne (optional but recommended) and the tea bag of your choice. Stick 3 cloves into 1 small lemon wedge and add to the cup. Pour in a slug of bourbon, as much or as little as you like. Fill cup with boiling water, stir well and let steep 5 minutes. Savor slowly; repeat as necessary.

    I too recommend the dash of cayenne.

  2. It is, even if you only happen to have limes sitting around. This might become my evening go-to drink, especially when I'm feeling sinusy.
