What's your opinion of how a four-year high school religion course of study should be organized?
I went to public school and never received any catechesis as a child or teen, so I don't have a mental model of how things should go. I went looking around at various homeschool curricula and at the religion coursework at different area Catholic schools, and discovered there's quite a bit of diversity in the approaches.
This is the sort of question that I would have jumped at a lot more eagerly 5+ years ago. Having been homeschooled, and being a bit of a know-it-all type, I was pretty well assured of my ability to come up with comprehensive curriculum ideas back when our kids were young enough that theory didn't have to meet reality. What I've run into as I get older is:
1) A general realization that I don't know everything -- perhaps formed to a great extent by knowing more than I did before.
2) That while MrsDarwin and I really enjoy working on high concept, we tend to bog down when it comes to producing the kind of detailed breakdown necessary to operationalize an educational high concept -- especially for 4th and 5th graders like we have now: kids of an age to still need detailed direction, and a lot more than at the tender age when the curriculum really only seemed to need to consist of "teach them to read, teach them some basic arithmetic, and read lots of good stuff to them". I think what formed a lot of the way I thought about "designing your own curriculum" was dealing with the high school "humanities program" which my parents put me through. Since I was high school age, the plan for the year consisted of a two page long reading list roughly broken into weeks. That kind of two page plan I enjoy working on. However, we've found ourselves repeatedly wrecked upon the rocks on not getting around to forming a weekly, much less daily plan, and with our kids being the age they are, that's the kind of planning that's actually necessary.
All of which is a long way of saying I don't feel like the wise resource on homeschooling I once did. However, it's a good question, and one that I opinionated on a bit when I was a homeschooled high schooler (who hated the parish religion education/confirmation program he had to go through) so I'll take a shot at saying a few things and then turn things over to the hopefully greater experience and wisdom of our readers.
I had two sources of high school level religious education: the two year program in our parish leading up to confirmation at the end of my sophomore year in high school, and homeschooled religious instruction all four years.
The parish program was uniformly terrible in the way that one could really only expect from the 1990s in Los Angeles Archdiocese. Instruction was on Sundays and started off by attending the 10:30am "rock mass". And hour-and-a-half classroom session then followed which was heavily focused on small group discussion to draw out from us "how we felt" about... well... that was never all that clear.
The reason I bring this up is basically to say: While I experienced parish religious education, it was virtually content-less. There was no book, and no program. And so I don't really have a good way to compare that with what we did at home or with the sort of actual catechetical programs that exist these days.
The homeschool program that my parents laid out for me in high school in terms of catechesis was not necessarily hugely structured. In the Humanities Program I was slated to read a number of works from throughout Christian history, so there was additional material beyond what was strictly in the "religion" part of the program.
I was a fairly bookish and argumentative teen, so what we did was also slated towards my strengths and interests. The first year was structured around reading a catechism -- this was before the Catechism of the Catholic Church was issued, so what we used was Pocket Catholic Catechism
I also read the New Testament straight through, something I hadn't done before.
The later years were more focused on apologetics books, something that I thrived on given my argumentative turn. I remember some of the titles (What Catholics Really Believe, Catholicism & Fundamentalism, etc.) but in a sense apologetics books tend to age faster than many other books on the Church. I think at this point one would want to sit down and assess clearly what would be a good collection of apologetics books to read.
I was also assigned a couple of books dealing specifically with morality, including one focused on sexual issues. This was before the popularizing craze around Theology of the Body, and the specific text we used as a textbook for teens from Ignatius Press which I can't recall the name of and may well be out of print these days. It was good, but not earth shattering.
I found some of the things I read in the Humanities Program deeply formative to my religious understanding. The big ones were: Augustine's Confessions, the Rule of St. Benedict and Dante's Divine Comedy. The first two are very accessible, the latter is probably not something that would appeal to all teens.
The biggest area I feel like I don't know how to fill in is some sort of formation in prayer and personal spirituality. My family certainly went to mass together, and we prayed together as well: morning offering, rosary, evening prayer from the Liturger of the Hours. And I'd read about prayer in the catechism and various other books. Somehow, though, I've always felt like there's a lot to prayer that I just don't "get". I was reading Fr. Dubay's Fire Within
So to summarize, to the extent that I have recommendations on a high school homeschooling program for relgious instruction I would suggest:
- A catechism of appropriate level
- The New Testament
- Several books dealing with basic apologetics
- A good teen-level book on sexual morality
- Several classic works from great Christian writers (I'd primarily suggest Confessions and Rule of St. Benedict for readability and applicability to the age level)
I'm not sure how helpful this is, so I appeal to readers to provide their own suggestions.
As a religion department chair at a Catholic school for gifted boys, I promise you: every textbook series out there has problems ranging from moderate to severe. I've built our program from the ground up using primary sources and leaning on the CCC when I have no good options for the age in question.
If you are the kind of person who is committed to a specific kind and quality of curriculum, you're going to have to build it yourself. The USCCB's Curriculum Framework for Teaching High School Religion is decent and available on their website. If you want out-of-the-box, I'd still recommend working through the CCC and supplement with other basic sources like Darwin suggests. Worst case scenario, use a minimalist textbook series like Didache and supplement from there.
Darwins know how to get in touch with me (via my wife) if you want something more concrete or (God forbid) more advice.
Check out the Diocese of Marquette's Faith Formation materials - they have a high school curriculum that looks intriguing. I got interested in their materials after my mother (who was researching ArchBp Sample who is coming to be her Bp) showed me their expectations for what should be learned Gr2.
High School:
So, I went looking at the religion curriculum of two different local Catholic high schools that put their overview online. Take a look at these two different approaches:
School #1.
9th grade: Introduction to the Nicene Creed
10th grade: Moral Theology (concepts, precepts, social teaching of the Church)
11th grade: Elements of Christian Life (compared to other belief systems; how to act as Christians in the modern world)
12th grade: Reason and Revelation (how faith seeks understanding; controversial "problems" of Christian doctrine such as certitude of God's existence, problem of evil, etc.; considered through classic theological literature)
School #2:
9th grade: Old Testament and Theology of the Body
10th grade: New Testament
11th grade: Catechism (don't know whether they are using Compendium, YouCat, or what)
12th grade: Apologetics
I also looked at some major curricula. I already own the Didache Church History: A Complete Course text to use as a reference/supplement book while covering world history, and WOW is that a beautiful, big, glossy, and lavishly illustrated textbook. The other books in that series are "Understanding the Scriptures," "Our Moral Life in Christ," and "Introduction to Catholicism." But they also have a new series broken up into semesters -- I haven't seen those books yet.
It all struck me as a broad difference in organization. I like to have an overview or vision of where I'm going with things before figuring out what to do. What I'm not particularly skilled at is figuring out how to tailor my approach to each child.
If I were going to eschew textbooks and put together my own reading list I would definitely add some works of Biblical commentary and supplements to help a student understand a Catholic way of approaching the scriptures. Even if it was just to throw a few of Scott Hahn's books at them. And I would definitely add a good overview of Church history.
I haven't used them as a teacher, but I agree the Didache series is really pretty to look at and has an attractive outline. I think I'd probably get them to at least use as a reference for myself.
Their organization is very similar to what Dom and I came up with when we were planning a high school catechesis curriculum that we never got to implement at the parish where he was DRE because we moved. Our plan was a year of Church history, a year of Bible study, a year of moral theology, a year of apologetics.
With a homeschooled kid I'd probably start with the year of intensive Bible study and then continue in a less intense way, maybe just talking about the daily readings. I'd also add reading the Catechism for sure. Augustine's Confessions et al I'd cover in the Church History segment.
My own homeschooled high school religious training: my dad, who is an editor of the One Bread One Body daily readings devotional, held a bible study for us every morning on the readings, and as he's a very good teacher, I think we learned more Biblical literacy that way than any boxed curriculum would provide. Also, our family was heavily involved with the Cincinnati-based Presentation Ministries, and so as teenagers my siblings and I attended a number of bible studies and classes on Catholic teachings and topics. Also, we were members of a fairly active and orthodox youth group, which provided a lot of good catechesis and opportunities for service projects and prayer.
Then, we also did a lot of independent reading of books on apologetics, church history, the catechism, classics of spirituality, etc.
I think our religious instruction was very good indeed -- I didn't have to take the the basic Theology classes at Franciscan because of my Honors core, and I remember looking over the exegesis homework my friends had in one of the 100 Theology classes and thinking it pretty simplistic compared to the sort of thing that Dad taught.
We own the Didache series because we bought the books for my brother when he was in a high school co-op, but I've never looked through them myself.
Don't forget praying the liturgy of the Hours with community and daily Mass. You pretty much "lived" your religious curriculum.
I second the mass/ Adoration/ morning and night prayers. I am NOT a rad-trad, but so far my 3 oldest kids have gotten a lot out of the Fr. Laux series.Not sure why it seems to be associated with the TLM crowd, alone. It is a touch dated, but there are lots of discussion questions and optional books to read (and you can look up relevant sections in the CCC as well!) We use the Fr. Laux books for one semester, then the Ignatius Bible Study series for the next semester, then back to Fr. Laux. Laura Berquist has a syllabus for the books.
As usual late to the party here. I'd add some Art History as well as Music History to the mix. I think the Bible truly came alive to me when I studied the Great Masters.
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