Monday, May 06, 2013

Now We Are Six

This is going to be my family photo next year:

Darwin and I are delighted to announce that the reason things have been slow around here is that we're expecting Small Darwin #6 right around Christmas. When the kids found out, they jumped around the house singing the Hallelujah Chorus. That kind of enthusiasm, entirely untinged with cynicism or all the fears, real or imagined, that plague adults, was so heartening. Their continued joy sustains me.

So if you've been wondering why it's taking so long for the next Stillwater installment, now you know. (Also, I just acquired a guitar which is absorbing my creative energies. Hey! I can already play "Smoke on the Water"!) 


  1. "Now we are six" is the title of something. Exactly what? My pregnancy addled brain cannot remember.

    The reaction of the children is always the best part of announcing a pregnancy. When we told them about this new little one, my oldest was so very excited. The little one was excited because everyone else seemed excited. My middle one exclaimed, "Oh no! Not a baby!" And she's the little momma in the house. It took her a few weeks to come around.

  2. Congratulations!

    Jenny - it's the title of a poem by, I believe, William Wordsworth. (And no, I didn't Google!)

  3. Okay, I Googled, and I was wrong. "We Are Seven" is the title of the Wordsworth poem (which is oddly appropriate for me because I'm on pregnant #7, but this is only baby #5 here on earth).

    "Now We Are Six" is apparently a collection of poems by A. A. Milne.

  4. It's a book of poems by AA Milne, (Author of Winnie the Pooh.) It's a rather cute book.

    Congratulations! That's great news.

  5. JoAnna, this is my seventh pregnancy too.

  6. Thanks JoAnna and Maria! I knew that I knew it from somewhere.

  7. Yay! Congratulations! Didn't you say once you wanted a Christmastime baby like you?

  8. Congratulations!!!!

    I will knit baby booties! Or at least I will *intend* to knit baby booties. Many more baby booties are intended than ever actually get knit... Maybe I'll just come up and babysit for a weekend so you can spend some quality time with your couch instead.

  9. Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations!

    We are on number two, also a December baby.

  11. Wonderful, wonderful news!

    And, really, the ONLY acceptable reason to have to wait so long on the next Stillwater instalment...

    I'm expecting to finally get to *see* our #6 anytime within the next four weeks...I've been *feeling* its little Irish step dancing for several months now. Are your pregnancies full of barfing and misery - or pretty smooth?

  12. Aw, Rebekka! Congratulations!

    Finicky Cat, I would have expected to be more sick by now, though I do feel plenty queasy. Tentative early bets are on its being a boy, based on the lack of vomiting. With the girls I was quite bowled over, but with Jack it seemed smoother sailing. Congrats on your little one!

  13. Also, never fear on Stillwater! I know exactly where it's going until the very end, but I just haven't felt the energy to put it down and find all the little details that round out the telling -- and of course now I can't have my bourbon, and that cramps my style.

  14. All God's blessings !

    This might be worth a listen

  15. Definitely congratulations!

    And I expect to see a photo next year in exactly that style.

  16. Brandon, I lent out my farthingale and never got it back, so we might just have to digitally impose our heads on the original here. We think that Jack is the one with the sword.

  17. This makes my day.

  18. So glad it's looking like an easier one this time! And another brother would be nice, too, I'm sure. Growing up, we were five girls and one boy - though he never complained about it and was as great a brother as any girl could ask for.

  19. Well, I suppose we'll let you off the hook for the next Stillwater installment. Growing a baby is very hard work.

    I definitely want to see you recreate that painting.

    Congratulations again.

  20. +JMJ+

    This is wonderful news! Congratulations!

  21. Congratulations and God bless you all!

  22. Congratulations! I hope the queasiness abates and doesn't turn into anything more!!

    We are expecting our fifth at the beginning of December - I think this is the second time we have been pregnant at the same time. I hope all goes well!

  23. Lois in Indy5/07/2013 11:27 AM


  24. Congratulations! When I saw the first comment about Stillwater, my first thought was, "but she'll have to write without her drink of choice!" :)

    Yay - and lovely picture of your happy kids :)

  25. Hooray! There was rejoicing here among the Curp girls at the news, followed shortly by "when can we go visit?"

    I hope the queasiness eases away soon. I found that protein, never letting myself get really hungry (always something in my stomach), and candied ginger were my best friends at that stage.

  26. I'm behind the times, but congratulate you just as sincerely and enthusiastically!
