Darwin did a much more disciplined job of pulling out some retrospective posts for 2005, but as I flipped through the archives I kept hitting old favorites. So this list is mainly for me, but feel free to click a few links.
2006 was the year that I had three children under three for a short while (and I found a lot of posts about chaos in the house and how tired we were), it was the year I tried too hard to teach a child too young to read, and it was the year that we all prayed for little Jack as he was dying of cancer. This was the golden age of blog commenting: I saw a lot of familiar names popping up, having great discussions.
While we were waiting for the birth of #3, Darwin started a series on What We Know.
I contemplated the new baby, and we watched a lot of TV, including Crunchy House Manor and a Trojan Man commercial. In a packet of pictures on a shelf, Darwin discovered photos of his late father.
While snuggling with the new baby, I thought about God getting up off the couch, and remembered my miscarriage.
In one of our recurring Google magnet posts, Darwin wrote about Rod Dreher looking East. A reader asked us to analyze our time at Franciscan University of Steubenville. I wrote more about college after Bishop Williamson, SSPX, said girls don't belong in universities.
In Which I Joined The Liturgy Committee And Made A Felt Banner
Another Google favorite: my review of the book Guests of the Sheik.
July was a busy month, apparently: I re-read Fellowship of the Ring, a roach broke our bed, Darwin wrote about gender, terminology, and reality, reflected on the problem of Clean Flicks editing movies for "Christian" consumption, and went on to examine how permissible it is to alter art.
In a prime example of us at our most opinionated and arrogant, the ever popular and controversial What Your 18-Year-Old Needs To Know. Time has beaten our know-it-all-itude out of us, people.
Darwin wrote about getting moral reasoning backward.
A rambling post on family size, and on not having 22 children.
We watched My Neighbor Totoro, and Darwin asked if Christians can believe in ghosts.
Two big themes for the year were guns and data, and Darwin combined them in You'll Shoot Your Eye Out.
An almost typical week in the Darwin household at this time.
The proper voices for reading Winnie the Pooh.
Darwin's "advice for a classics major trying to bet into the computer science industry."
I allowed love to break through my protective armor and found my defenses breached. Darwin wrote about Evidence, Belief, and Will, and in the comments, a combative reader challenged Darwin, "Where is He?"
The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
9 hours ago
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