Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hair today, gone tomorrow; or, It's a Mad Men World

NOTE: for all you blog-lines readers: THIS IS MRSDARWIN. Not Darwin. Due to a clerical error, this post appears under his name, but I, MrsDarwin, wrote it.

Hey media-savvy readers, anyone got a copy of last week's TV Guide with the Mad Men article? It's not that I want to read up on it (though I would be kind of curious to see the show sometime; maybe we'll get the first season from Netflix); it's that I want to get my hair cut like the dame in the photo. I could try printing it off, but I think actually having the magazine in hand will give the stylist a clearer image. That TV Guide was in stores yesterday; today not so much.

Drop me a line if you've got a copy you can send me.

Me being MrsDarwin, although I'm posting under Darwin's name by accident. No, he doesn't want a sixties bouffant hairdo -- that would be me, MrsDarwin.


  1. That is hilarious. On Bloglines it says "by Darwin" right under the title. As I read the part about wanting that haircut I was thinking, "Really?...Wow, that's...surprising. Really?"

    Question: how do you know what that cut would look like when it's down? It looks awesome there, but with my luck I'd get it done like that and it would look jagged and asymmetrical when not all poofy.

  2. Well, I'm not sure I want it that puffy, and that's not even as bouffant as the pictures of my aunts from the early 60s. But recall that my hair curls naturally, so even if I didn't always look chic like girlfriend here, it would probably do something okay. Maybe I'd need to invest in some hairspray. As it is, all I ever do is wash my hair and put some frizz-ease stuff in it to keep it from getting too fluffy.

    I'd totally wear that dress too, once I loose some of the pregnancy weight from my arms.

  3. I love it! I also did a double take when it popped up on Bloglines under: By Darwin. I thought, "Well, that's certainly orginal." ;)

    I will be green with envy if you cut your hair like that! Unfortunately, I don't have a copy for you though. My grandmother might though. I'll check when we go down there this weekend.

  4. straight & long is more attractive

  5. Well, my hair is neither straight nor long right now, and I can't make it either without a lot of both effort (straight) and time (long).

    I did have my hair blown out straight once, and besides not recognizing myself in the mirror, I felt like it made me look old, as if I worked in an office. I did note one advantage, though -- my hair actually looked neater when I combed it, instead of getting fluffy. I didn't find that slight benefit to be worth the hour I'd have to spend with a hair dryer (an item I don't even own) each day.

  6. The next time you plan a hairdo, please identify yourself first!

    At least I didn't have a mouthful of coffee...

  7. I've put another identifier up top. Though maybe people will just say that Darwin protests too much...
