Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't be panic!

This is made of awesome, especially if you watch it at 1:00 in the morning, after offering moral support while your husband writes a powerpoint deck in corporatese. But it's also funny just because.

And this one too.

Because everything Spanish is dangerous!

These are by the same guy who made Baby Got Back -- Gilbert and Sullivan style, but Darwin won't let me post that one.


  1. Oh man. The bit about being too proud for human sacrifice and "scientists" was too funny.

  2. The clicking of a thousand 'puters you hear are all those across the land hitting the Baby Got Back link that Darwin wouldn't let you post. :-)

  3. TS,

    It's high-larious, but I don't recommend watching around children unless you want to hear them warbling, "I like big butts, and I just can't lie!" all day. (I did not watch it around my children, but I myself have the irresistible temptation to break into the tune now.)

  4. The Blackadder Says:

    For some reason, I'm being told that this post links to my blog. I wonder if that means I have cancer?

  5. I wonder if that means I have cancer?


  6. For some reason, I'm being told that this post links to my blog. I wonder if that means I have cancer?

    Don't worry, Blackadder, there's plenty of possible explanations, like being too proud to worship Peruvian gods - or maybe you just like big butts...

  7. The Blackadder Says:

    Don't worry, Blackadder, there's plenty of possible explanations, like being too proud to worship Peruvian gods - or maybe you just like big butts...

    No comment.

  8. I'm going to be more careful around paella.
