Thursday, July 01, 2021

Twenty Years and a Day

 Yesterday was our twentieth wedding anniversary.

Twenty years is a huge milestone -- two decades! -- and yet our day was so busy (as has been the week and the month and the year) that it was a real choice to celebrate the occasion. We've talked for years about taking a second honeymoon or even an overnight trip to mark twenty whole years, but now our two oldest girls are working opposite shifts, and the third is at camp this week, and the three middle kids had testing yesterday, and Darwin went in to the office (in the past that would be nothing noteworthy, but in these degenerate days it's an event)... 

The days are sometimes interminable, but the weeks and months and years fly by. The baby is turning four next week. Four! I've never had a four-year-old youngest before. The oldest is nineteen. Nineteen! I've never had a nineteen-year-old before. They are full of activity, and everyone in-between is full of activity. I myself am full of activity, more activity than I've been filled with in a long time. For so many years I was bone-weary with bearing children and caring for lovely little babies. I did not know until now how very tired I was. 

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. With all the good things the Lord has given to me of late (the chiefest being the grace of saying Morning Prayer every morning, something I'd wanted to do for years but never managed to accomplish), the thing that has been taken is my desire and need to write. My inspiration has... not dried up, but turned inward. I am in a stage of germination. Roots grow downward, but as yet no leaf has emerged. I am content to store these energies against the day of their flowering. But it does make for a boring blog. A cleared, plowed, sown field is a sign of work and potential, but it's not very exciting to look at. 

So here's something to look at: Darwins at 20. If our marriage has been a blessing to you in any way, give God glory and offer a prayer for his will always to be accomplished in us. And we pray the same for all of you.


  1. Love this. And you have been a blessing to me, and to many others I'm sure!

  2. Your marriage has been both a joy and a blessing to me.

  3. Happy anniversary!

  4. Many happy returns of the Day! You both, and your marriage, have blessed me in innumerable ways. I will offer a prayer for your roots and their unseen growth as I visit your blog for its blogroll, even when you haven't put up a new post :-)

    My 18-yo said it was helpful to her, in her prep for going off into the world, to see pictures of young me - just barely older than she is now - as her mother in the baby pictures she was collecting for a graduation project. (Well, I was 6yrs older, but don't tell her.) Turns out her mother didn't really know much more then than she does now, and yet it was all OK!

  5. Yes, you both and your marriage have blessed me, too, far away in Germany. A prayer will be said :)
