Jack Brent Edward
September 8, 1997 - September 18, 2006
May the angels lead you into paradise;
may the martyrs come to welcome you,
and take you to the Holy City,
the new and eternal Jerusalem.
May the choirs of angels welcome you
and lead you to Abraham's Side;
where Lazarus is poor no longer
may you find eternal rest. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
May Jack's soul and
the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
This morning at 11:40 AM, Jack slipped peacefully into the loving arms of His Saviour...
10 hours ago
Rest in peace, little guy. Thanks be to God for the gift that you are and have been. We pray that you are welcomed into the loving arms of our Savior.
Mother Mary, comfort the family of dear Jack as they enter this new chapter in their lives.
What Big Tex said.
Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord...
And to Barb: I'm sorry. Please send our love and regards to the family.
I saw the earlier post today and said the Divine Mercy Chaplet for Jack...suddenly realizing that I have a child who is very nearly 8. My heart breaks for his family. I'll keep them all in my prayers.
-Christine the Soccer Mom
May the Lord receive his soul into Paradise.
May he comfort those little Jack left behind.
Godspeed, little man.
I have never met little Jack, and still my heart is broken.
In these times, I most feel the urgent desire to be able to change something, along with the true knowledge that I have no such power whatever.
This vale of tears, this place of exile, is fraught with such sorrow that only the bloody sweat of a God Incarnate can express it.
Nowhere do I feel this more than in the inexplicable death of a child. It's bad enough when violence or an accident takes a child. But for a child to die surrounded by loved ones who have all human resources to try to save him--truly God is mysterious in his mercy.
Lord God Almighty! Have mercy on the soul of Thy child Jack. May the Perpetual Light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.
Blessed Virgin Mary, now you have Jack truly under your mantle. Now turn your eyes of mercy on us. To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Pray for us, oh Queen of Heaven.
In Jesus' name,
LogEyed Roman
A Word of Consolation:
If a tiny baby could think, it would be afraid of birth. To leave the only world it had known would seem a kind of death. But immediately after birth the child finds itself in loving arms, showered with affection and cared for at every moment.
Passing through death is really a birth into a new and better world. Those who are left behind should not grieve as if there were no hope. Life is changed, not taken away. Our dear ones live on, in a world beautiful beyond anything we can imagine.
There they await the day when they will welcome us with joy.
That was in a card, from the Marianists, sent to me after my mother died. I thought it was very beautiful.
I'm so sorry for the family. And hoping they can "see" Jack feeling happier and more joyful than he has in his far too short life.
In peace,IC
May he rest in peace, and may the Lord comfort his family.
My prayers for Jack's soul and for the peace of his family.
My prayers are with him and his family.
My condolences to Jack's family... They have been in my prayers...
May the Lord's Love embrace us all in this bittersweet time and Jack rest in the arms of our dear Savior.
-- John G.
Let perpetual light shine upon him. May Jesus console Jack's family during this time of grief.
My prayers are with him and with his family.
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