It's common wisdom that new technologies are absorbed fastest by children. We had thought that since we'd discarded the television we could wean the kids off videos. And truly, less video is watched, but not much less. The girls quickly discovered how to load DVDs into the computer and much viewing ensued.
No matter, no matter; Darwin set up a login for the girls that wouldn't automatically open the DVD player when a DVD was inserted. (They like to take pictures of themselves with the built-in camera, which is generally a harmless occupation.) They found this frustrating for a day or so, and then discovered the games. I had never paid much attention to the entertainment that came pre-loaded on the Mac (no solitaire, you see), but apparently they involve a sun god and moon goddess duking it out over tic-tac-toe, checkers, backgammon, and other board games. Vaguely celestial music plays in the back ground. Whenever your opponent thinks you've make a particularly stupid move, he talks trash about your game. I'm uneasily anticipating the day when one of the girls announces in public, "You've been mooned!" or demands of someone, "Would you like your spanking with habaneros sauce?"
And of course as I write this, the five-year-old is bouncing on my lap, reading it aloud and laughing...
10 hours ago
Video games are bad examples. My five year old repeated something from one the other day. I said: that's not funny. She responded that it's not funny at school but is funny at home. Oi vey!
Hysterical. Reminds me of a sort of "aside" from the movie "Arachnaphobia". Not a movie for those with serious bug issues. But regarding "nice" behavior for little kids: In the movie, the couple who turn out to be at the heart of the action have moved to the country because, you see, it's safer and more wholesome than the city. As they are discussing this while meeting some new neighbors, the camera zooms in on this little byplay they miss: Some local children run up to theirs and say, "Hi! Want to go down to the creek with us and blow up frogs with cherry bombs?" "Okay!" their kids say happily, and off dash the darling children to their wholesome country entertainment...
LogEyed Roman
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