Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Obamarama begins

John J. Reilly of The Long View has some thoughts on an Obama presidency:

As readers of this space will know, I have been a keen supporter of President Elect Obama for as long as he has been on the national stage. I look forward with unmitigated eagerness to his brilliant Administration. Indeed, in order that there may be no misunderstanding on this score, I celebrated Election Night by shredding any documents in my possession that might in any way be misconstrued to cast doubt on my enthusiasm for the next and best presidency. I plan to implement a similar editorial upgrade to my online material as soon as I figure out how to disable some intrusive Web-based archiving functions. Until then, readers are advised to attribute any confusing statements on this site to subversive hackers. I would, of course, be pleased to reveal to the newly progressive authorities the names, addresses, and personal details of actual malcontents.

In any case, splendid though the Obamarama will be, it will in many ways surprise both its proponents and that minority of persons who still await full conversion. Here are just a few points...


  1. Do we turn our calendars back to the Year Zero now or on Inauguration Day? And just for the record, I don't need these glasses, I just thought they looked stylish. But now I know better and will take them off. No sense being mistaken for an intellectual or a teacher or a doctor or anything.

  2. Haha!

    Tim, that's downright hilarious! Too bad it's also true...
