Friday, November 07, 2008

Spare us.

Well, this is special.

(h/t The Corner)


  1. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

    Looks like the "52" realizes just how obnoxious they've been the last eight years and want to pre-empt the same from us.

    As far as I'm concerned, we're not in this together. As long as Obama and his "52" minions continue to slaughter the unwanted, I will do everything in my limited power to oppose and obstruct the new administration.

  2. Really, I'd much rather see pics of your kids.

  3. What's with the numbers? Are they percentage points? If so, they've swept some crumbs under the table. It's 53, 46 and one.


  4. Without passing judgment on the syrupiness of this effort, you do remember the thing that this is a response to, don't you?

    It's this gallery of photos that was collected after Bush won in 2004.

    As such, it's just a teeny bit classier, don't you think?

  5. Bearing, the message I'm getting is, "please don't be such jerks as we were, and we'll pretend to listen to you, but we won't let you persuade us."

    No, not not classier, just manipulative.

  6. Sorry, I can't help but see it as nothing more than a pointed commentary on the first version (the "sorry world") one.

    And if you go through some of the photographs on the "sorry everybody" page you will see some decidedly unclassy behavior.

  7. Doubtless the "sorry world" one was more classless. But the current "Wuv you!" incarnation drips with pat-your-head condescension, especially recalling the fuss about possible riots if Obama lost. I don't buy the psuedo-graciousness, nor do I believe it's a fruit of sudden political maturity and a new willingness to entertain opposing points of view.

  8. *rolls her eyes*


    "Hey! We won! We love you! Let's all act grown up!"

  9. I only made it through a couple of dozen of those pics, Bearing, and compared to a lot of stuff I've heard in the past eight years it was pretty tame. "Idiot" is probably one of the nicer things we've been called.

    That said,
    there's something a bit phony about the "no hard feelings; can we all just get along?" theme being trotted out now. I sure don't remember hearing much on the love of country superceding partisanship from the losing side in '04.

    On the other hand, I am heartened to see that most of our side seems to be able to lose graciously. Would that more of the winners could win graciously; it seems the mean-spiritedness from that side started almost immediately.

  10. The Blackadder Says:

    I dunno. I thought it was kind of sweet.

  11. But the current "Wuv you!" incarnation drips with pat-your-head condescension, especially recalling the fuss about possible riots if Obama lost. I don't buy the psuedo-graciousness, nor do I believe it's a fruit of sudden political maturity and a new willingness to entertain opposing points of view.

    Envy alert! I wish I'd have written that. :-)

  12. Envy alert! I wish I'd have written that. :-)

    Sir, to you.

    My cardinal rule of composition is WWTSW (What Would TS Write?).

  13. Serenity now...serenity now...

  14. It's a lame and unmanly form of gloating that indicates a profound need of the liberals to be liked first above all things. There's no articulation of an argument that this man is best for America; it also indicates the profound uncertainty that we all have about him.

    It's the attitude of a cheating spouse coming home, sheepishly, and wanting everything to be just like it was before.

  15. Very astute, fallen sparrow!

  16. From 1 to 99: Same s***, different pile. God help us.

  17. WHISKY (WHISKEY) TANGO FOXTROT!!!! Our kids' sacrafices in the war on terror are for naught, at the end of the day, more unborn kids will be killed, & We'll all be poor because of all the taxes!!!

  18. ALSO, where was this type of behaviour FOUR YEARS AGO!!!

    The 52ers spent the the last eight years trashing GWB to a degree never seen! They are NOT our friends!
