Monday, May 11, 2009

Still alive, kinda

Sometime this week we will resume posting in a semi-regular fashion. Today, however, we are still recovering from our 23 hour roadtrip on Saturday. Family togetherness, y'all!

Our thanks go out to all the wonderful bloggers we were privileged to visit during our trip:

Fr. Fox
Jay Anderson
Betty Duffy
Rich Leonardi
Scott Carson

1 comment:

  1. Our thanks go out to all the wonderful bloggers we were privileged to visit during our trip...Sigh. Not for the first time I sit up here in the bowels of the northeast (sometimes referred to as the People's Republic of MA) ruefully noting that I am hundreds of miles off the beaten track of any of the bloggers I'd most love to trade a drink or two with.

    Oh well. Thaes ofereode, thisses swa maey and all that
