Monday, May 11, 2009

And now for something completely different...

The Nietzsche Family Circus:

Believe me! The secret of reaping the
greatest fruitfulness and the greatest
enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!


  1. This is awesome! I love the clever combining of the two...

  2. As I recall, it said on the site that the cartoons and quotes were randomized, but I dunno...

  3. For example, we have one on the bulletin board that shows Jeffy, buck nekkid in an enormous puddle of water beside the bathtub, with his mother glowering at him. The quote is:
    "He who is punished is never he who performed the deed. He is always the scapegoat."

  4. Peanuts with no words at all is also strikingly different.


  5. I'd have to find it, but the Garfield Without Garfield strips turned out to be much funnier than the original cartoon -- in a dark and existential kind of way.
