Darwinism and Catholics, one based totally in objective science entirely founded on theory where no intuitive value is found and one in a religion where blind faith in others other than oneself lies and, also, the fact that said religion will never admit, directly and openly to the powerful influences of pity, remorse and emotional composure and how cultist it is and that, inevitably, and without doubt in this mind - that God is simply the collective will of many flowing into emotionally controlled idiots.
Do you wish to produce minds that wander about wondering themselves into misery?
There are simpler ways.
Also, original sin, was the first thing I conquered before I conquered my own ego. This mind, is so free, that I taunt everyone and everything subliminally and directly around me into making me miserable yet I find myself having to meditate every day as to not show this very forceful and genuine smile I have as to not insult everyone with the amount of bliss I carry myself with.
In all seriousness, I will, some day, write a book called: "Bliss management." I am so happy, content and at peace that it nearly takes away my own focus.
Always happy to express myself.
PS. Your website has no value in it and neither does your mind.
Weekend Things
5 hours ago
I think Sigmund Freud would have said it best: "Sometimes an @$$**** is just an @$$****." (That's the polite version.)
Either that or he's chain-smoking weed.
Ummm okay. Thanks for sharing.
Reading blogs that have no value is part of his bliss management program perhaps?
Evidently Eric has freed himself from proper grammar and sentence structure - a curiously consistent trait among minds as "enlightened" as his.
Is the first paragraph one whole sentence?
Considering the content of the remainder of the last paragraph, this sentence is almost tragically ironic: "Also, original sin, was the first thing I conquered before I conquered my own ego."
Thanks for sharing the craziness with us Darwin!
Also, original sin, was the first thing I conquered before I conquered my own ego.
Very Nice. Charlie Sheen is now mailing bloggers under the alias "Eric"
I noticed the more secure I was in myself, and the humbler, the less I went around thinking everyone I didn't know needed to know my response to their every statement or being big for my britches in enlightening strangers. It was silly enough for me as a teenager on some relatively benign forums, where I had atleast 'met' the people. To send an email to a total stranger deriding them for having opinions contrary to one's own is pathetic.
I read from an RSS feed and so don't comment much but wanted to lend a voice in support against imbecility.
What a sweetheart. And it's so coherent, too.
The mind boggles at such amazing run-on sentences. This guy should teach a class on how not to make sense when you are trying to tell someone off.
"I am so happy, content and at peace that it nearly takes away my own focus."
I feel like we need to make "Your website has no value in it; neither does your mind" into an Auto-Tuned, "Someone set us up the bomb" YouTube sensation.
(I substituted the semicolon to let the beat drop.)
I'm very glad he conquered original sin, I'm glad we all live in an unfallen world, now!
I like your label, "What's up with that?" Says it all really. Cheers from the Southern Hemisphere and hope you are very well settled in your new home now. Margaret
What they said.
Oh, and Renee--
I don't think it is one sentence. I couldn't find the verb.
Hahahaha! thank you for the laughs. I guess when you're as happy as Eric the natural behaviour is go around making stupid comments... I guess I don't understand the ways of conquerers of original sin ;)
Dear Eric:
Thank you for your opinion. I shall value it at its worth. And in this context, I am reminded of the composer who had these words to say as regards a criticism of his work:
"I am seated in the smallest room in my house. A copy of your criticism is before me. Soon, it shall be behind me."
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