In truth, if we lose our hard won rights to medical care, birth control and pregnancy choice, it won’t only affect women. Men will have to go back to the days when they waited for or paid for sex. This issue impacts all of us. This strike is designed to make that point. Ask your man to speak up for your rights, because when we lose our reproductive choices, so do they.I have to say, these women appear to be on to something. However, I fear they may not have planned on enough time for the effect to really sink in. Eight days might just not give the world enough time to miss their hard work.
Dashed Off IV
1 hour ago
Someone's been reading Lysistrata.
It has worked before. But I agree that it's not likely to be successful in this particular situation.
Is it just me, or are they proving that the world doesn't end when women abstain for a purpose? Someone didn't think through the consequences of their own protest, or really doesn't get the Catholic position. Or both.
That is hilarious! The gist of it being..."Speak up men or you won't be able to use women anymore." And they're the feminists?
I think the answer is both.
I kinda suspect that this strike is going to be of the "I yell about it a lot and then forget to abide by it" sort. Maybe as a bludgeon to use against anyone who crosses their radical path.
Eight days? Some women feel like crud during their cycle for longer than that....
I think the main thing that creates unintentional humor here is that:
1) The notion at least seems to imply that the people "opposing reproductive freedom" (one assumes this means things like the HHS contraception mandate, since that's what's in the news right now) are the same people likely to be wanting to have sex with the participants in the strike. This seems pretty obviously unlikely in the vast majority of cases.
2) It implies that the refusal of the participants to have sex is something that would affect a very large number of people (who would otherwise be having sex with them), which seems only to reinforce the sorts of names that conservatives like to call liberals.
Ask your man to speak up for your rights...
Why don't you try asking the horny little cad to spring for your contraception?
It implies that the refusal of the participants to have sex is something that would affect a very large number of people (who would otherwise be having sex with them), which seems only to reinforce the sorts of names that conservatives like to call liberals.
No kidding. In that respect, it reminds me of the feminist association at the local community college, who on Valentine's day put up fliers saying that they would be handing out "free hugs, free condoms, and free love" in the student lounge.
I . . . really hope they didn't mean that the way it sounded.
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