Jenkins has for some time been making waves with his books about the demographics of Christianity in the third world, such as The Next Christendom
In his latest book, he tackles the shifting demographics of European Christianity, both the question of the "death of European Christianity" and the alleged coming of Eurabia. Razib's own comments (as an atheist from a Muslim background, with a libertarian set of political leanings) are also fascinating and incisive.
minor point of clarification, i generally refer to myself as an atheist of muslim background. i never really was in much of a state of theism (an amorphous deism might be accurate at some points), and have been a self-identified atheist since the age of 7. on the other hand, my familial background is islamic and so that is the religious tradition which i have been most exposed to. i only bring this up because ex anythings tend to bring a personal emotional valence to the table which i generally lack. my animus, where it exists, toward islam is not motivated by personal transformation and rejection of the precepts of the muslim religion, but a general suspicion of its followers' commitment to liberalism (broadly speaking).
I see the importance of your distinction. I'll update the post.
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