As I mentioned, I'm giving a lecture in our Adult Catechesis series on "The Church". Well, for them that's interested, here's my PowerPoint presentation, though I don't know how much sense it will make given that it's mostly a visual for me to talk over.
Still I've tried to make the visuals good.
The presentation itself is here:
[It looks like on some slides the text goes off the bottom in the GoogleDocs version -- and my Greek text on one slide got lost. But hey, what can a fellow do?]
The outline that I'll be speaking from is here:
The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
10 hours ago
You've got the wrong kind of sigma at the end of "episkopos".
Good point. I guess I have to figure out what key that maps to...
Well, still no idea what the right key is, but I inserted the ending sigma correctly into my local copy of the deck via the "insert symbol" dialog.
(I'd originally just typed out "episkopos" and then changed the font -- wasn't thinking.)
Your visuals are inspiring Darwin. If I was there, I hope I got brave enough to go hear you;-)
There is very little 'adult ed' here. You either sign up for some full-blown courses, that are mainly done by Catholic school teachers who have to do them, or you go to small 'faith sharing groups' (and share your ignorance.) For a lapsed Catholic like me, with quite a few questions, neither of those options inspires me. But it seems like there is a groundswell of people wanting presentations on various topics during evenings. The parish down the road had an excellent presentation a few nights ago on next year's 'gospel writer' - Mark. I was inspired, and hope they offer more such evenings.
Visuals and presentation are outstanding.
May I suggest adding any music composed by the late Basil Pouledoris to add effect?
Another Correstion:
The eagle-eyed MrsDarwin noticed that "patriarchs" was misspelled on slide 16.
Actually, adult catechesis is pretty thin on the ground here too. This is the first year we're doing this (though a couple of us had been pressing to do something like this) and it's mostly at the instigation of our young assistant pastor.
I wish you could make it...
It's Shift-V in the Teknia font. Even better, you can use LaTeX and get accents and breathing marks looking right.
Very nice presentation. I wish I could hear it myself. (I've only been a Catholic for 8 years; it never hurts to hear this stuff again!)
I think you need to put something in here like, "Regarding 2 steps of Church's condition, there are 4 steps."
Who is the saint being devoured by lions? Because that is the awesomest icon EVER.
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