What kind of exciting things did we do this weekend? Well, seeing as we had a chicken and a can of beer both just sitting around, we thought we'd try our hand at grilling beer can chicken. It was quite tasty and a hit with the kids, but the best part was the delightful image of the chicken squatting over the can.

Last night I thought this was about the funniest thing I'd
ever seen. It's still pretty amusing today. You guys! He's got
(An animal was harmed during the grilling and photographing of this meal.)
What do you mean harmed? He tasted great!
Fillius2 wants to know if you can use root beer.
I suppose you could, if you wanted to... Cook's Illustrated said that the beer didn't actually provide much flavor (you're supposed to crumble two bay leaves into the can for that) but the steam keeps the meat moist. The chicken was certainly very juicy.
Root beer?? Ugh--sounds worse than the time I tried that baked apples in soda pop recipe...
You only brought us a lasagna and enchiladas when we could have had THIS masterpiece?! You held out! With the next baby I demand Chicken Sitting on a Can.
(...and thank you for making me laugh for the first time in, oh, 48 hours or so.)
I love your blog. It is one of the most fascinating blogs I have ever read. Thank you.
Aw, thanks! I can't take all the credit, though; the chicken did his share.
It has to be seen to be believed. Next time you come to dinner we will grill up this masterpiece, and then you can join me in giggling like a third-grader at the chicken. Squatting.
Ah, Tex, you'd be proud of me. The only beer available in standard size cans that I could bring myself to be seen buying was Shiner.
Actually, at this rate, I should have some cans lurking in the back of the fridge when you get down here. (Because everything good comes in bottles -- with corks. What kind of Trappist should I stock?)
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