Because most philosophies that frown on reproduction don't survive.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pride Goeth Before a Toddler

Sunday was one of those beautiful Texas spring days, and while doing a big of work in the new Darwin garden, I was pleased to see the first tomatoes of the season forming on one of the cherry tomato plants that I put in a few weeks ago.

So I took a picture, figuring I'd post it with some sort of vaunting statement like, "Those who are still dealing with snow and ice in mid March may like to know that in Texas the first tomatoes are appearing."

The picture came out beautifully, but today I got home from work to find that Miss Two Year Old had ripped the tomato plant out of the ground while playing outside today. (While crushing some purple basil as well for good measure.)

So it's back to the nursery for me in regards to cherry tomatoes...


TS said... really know how to hurt a guy! - reader from el norte

Melanie Bettinelli said...

Ouch! Yes, we're having snow flurries today; but that doesn't mean I don't feel your pain. Poor tomatoes and basil!

Kyle Cupp said...

Toddlers are destructive creatures. My wife and I keep a watchful eye on our son as he moseys by the shelves of "mommy/daddy" books.

Rick Lugari said...

Bummer. You know, in Michigan we grow some of the best tomatoes you'll ever eat - too bad we have to wait until August and only have a window of about a month. BTW...if the Heinz breed of tomato plants are available down there I'd highly recommend you try them. They're more toward the juicy side rather than the meaty, but they have the absolute best flavor. Ohhh, how I long for August - the bland smushy imported things the grocer bills as tomatoes 11 months a year are enough to make ya gag...

Kiwi Nomad said...

Hmmm. And for her next trick she will provide a haircut for herself or a sibling? Life was much easier when she was the Baby!