Seeing as I spend most of my time at work sitting behind a desk crunching data and writing emails and PowerPoint decks, I find myself strongly drawn towards means of relaxation that involve doing something physical. Thus, to a desk-worker like me, spending my free time on furniture building or flooring or gardening is hard work, but it's highly pleasurable as satisfying. (It may well be that many who farm or build for a living have similar senses of accomplishment, or perhaps more likely, due to the human desire for that which we do not have, those who work actively long to sit still and work with mind rather than hands.)There is a spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest,
Where man, creation's tyrant, casts aside
His sword and sceptre, pageantry and pride.
From "Home" by James Montgomery
Whatever the general tendencies involved, I found myself this year enthusiastic to start a garden.
Most of the tomatoes aren't large enough yet to set healthy buds, but this cherry tomato has some coming.
A few of the bell peppers seem to be starting on their way towards bearing fruit as well.
Generally I find myself going out to look at the progress of the plants every morning before leaving for work (coffee cup in hand) and every evening after getting home (wine glass or beer bottle in hand). It's relaxing, and with the alternating sun and rain of spring, it often seems that they grow noticeably between inspections.
And all the while visions of big, juicy heirloom tomatoes and crunchy bell peppers and cucumbers loom. Mmmmmmmmm.
Mmmmmm indeed! Apartment living is not conducive to raising vegetables, although we have tried, but I have the additional problem of killing everything I try to plant. So I envy you your heirloom tomatoes in particular!!
Oh I'm so jealous. We're moving this summer, probably in June, so a garden is out this year. Well, maybe next year... Enjoy those tomatoes!
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