One of the few benefits of this kind of blast furnace weather is that as the temperatures rise, the acceptable length of "business casual" skirts apparently shortens. The annoyance one might feel at having to rush to a meeting in another building through 100-degree weather can be soothed by finding oneself walking some yards behind someone who has chosen, out of generosity towards all mankind, to stride leggily through her workday in four inch heels and a skirt that ventures only halfway towards her knees. Whether this loosening of business norms during the summer months actually serves to cool the wearer much I cannot say, but for the rest of us the distraction is welcome enough.

I had a history professor once, when asked how long a paper should be, responded: "Like a woman's skirt. Long enough to cover what's necessary yet short enough to keep me interested."
First Veee necks, now short skirts and heels. I think I'm going to like the Texas heat...
Um, your wife reads this blog, no? :)
Fear not -- Darwin even asked me to help him find a picture for this post. I think that only women who fear that they don't look good worry about their husbands realizing that other women look good as well.
Darwin even asked me to help him find a picture for this post.
Good job! Can you find another?
Rick, that's how we know that Rhonda must be exquisitely beautiful -- she puts up with you. :)
Rhonda's indeed pretty, but I don't think her putting up with me relates to that. It's either that she possesses superior virtue or poor judgment. Not sure which...
You should cross post this on American Catholic to drive the Catholic Anarchist into a feminist rant!
Do realize that in 10-15 years when your daughters approach the age of these femmes, any enjoyment you derive from the view will be quickly overwhelmed by the compulsion to shout, "Cover up your nakedness, girl! Have you any idea what these men out here are thinking?"
Heaven help you should you happen to be carrying a raincoat.
CMinor, with a 14 year old daughter I have already entered that period of cognitive dissonance! I thank God that thus far she exercised good discretion with her input as to her clothing!
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