The Darwin family is something of a sight when enjoying the free hot breakfast at our motel of a morning. At least one major spill may be expected. The older two scuffle occasionally, stealing food from one another, and the baby slowly shreds food into her lap and shrieks when she runs out of food that's not yet on the floor or in her tummy.
Darwin was over at the waffle maker waiting on his waffle and sipping coffee when the middle-aged, preppy-looking couple (last seen the night before wrestling a german shepard in from their SUV in a 6ft x 6ft cage) came in set themselves down at a table behind him with an air of disapproval and (before settling down to provide loud, socially conscious commentary on the morning news on TV) observed, "I shouldn't have felt bad bringing a dog into the hotel."
Let me know, folks, when that dog starts paying your social security... It may be a little crazy around here, but our offspring are of the same species, and someone's got to do the work of rearing the next generation.
Good Story 351: Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
5 hours ago
I can't stand when people compare their dog to a human, it's a dog! It doesn't care. A while back a very liberal coworker corrected me when I said she bought a dog. How dare I refer to the paying and taking home of an animal as anything other than adoption? Absurd
$100 says they pride themselves on being "tolerant", "non-judgmental" people.
Procreation is the best revenge.
How completely rude and awful.
And you know what? I feel really sorry for them. You are far richer than they'll ever be as long as they have that attitude.
Go the baby! May she revel in putting her food all over her face and enjoying the eating experience that helps her grow!
I have a classic piece of my little niece dropping a piece of her favourite kiwifruit on the floor then bending down to pick it up and shove it in her mouth. I look forward to showing it to her when she is older!!!
This is why I shouldn't have kids yet....
I would have walked over and informed them that they were rude and their parents should have taught them better manners. If I was in a good mood.
World domination by procreation. Hooah!
Shoot... I get that attitude in some parts of my family... too many kids! *GASP!* Fortunately, I have not felt the wrath of that just yet, since I have a small brood (3). It was just yesterday I was chatting with my cousin and another aunt about families, and they proceeded to go ballistic about a family with 8 kids. One comment was, well they're doing it the Catholic way. I wanted to let them know what got them all the cousins, nieces and nephews they have... Grandma and Grandpa had 6 kids of their own. They're oblivious.
Ah, but you see, it's quite possible Grandma and Grandpa have regrets. I remember sitting at a table at a family wedding reception- the only never-married woman surrounded by wives and a few widows. They started a conversation on the various methods of contraception they use(d). The loudest laments were heard from some of the elderly women, moaning about how they had been gypped into having "all those damn kids " because contraception wasn't as widespread when they were young.
What's really funny is that a good portion of "those damn kids" were sitting at the table and commiserating with them !
But I highly doubt that Grandma and Grandpa have their doubts based on their lifestyle. Their lifestyle consisted of traditional Catholic piety from the Rosary to frequent Confession. This is why I find the discussion of my aunt and cousin so ironic. They are oblivious as to why they have the family that they do.
Darwin, I ran into this article, look who is impeding scientific research now, hint it isn't us Galielo bullying Catholics...,,2087-2524408_1,00.html
I would have walked over and informed them that they were rude and their parents should have taught them better manners. If I was in a good mood.
Ohhh... That's much better than saying: "Your parents should have had a dog".
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